Summer born Voice and Champion

Annette Brooke MPAnnette Brooke questions Schools Minister on summer-born children on March 25, 2014

Annette Brooke, MP for Mid Dorset and North Poole, contributed to Education Questions in the House of Commons yesterday by again raising the issue of summer-born school children.

Annette opened by welcoming the new guidance that had been produced on summer-born children starting school at aged 5 in the reception year. Annette went on to ask if Ministers were aware that there have been cases where school admissions authorities have given varied responses to parental requests on summer-born children. Annette asked Ministers what action they will take as a result of this occurring.

In response, the Schools Minister David Laws MP stated that his department were “keeping the matter under close review“. Mr Laws said that he would be keen to hear from Annette if she had “any information on the way in which schools are implementing their responsibilities“. Mr Laws finished by declaring that his department “will take action if we find that schools are not paying attention to parental demand“.

Read the discussion in full here.

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2 Responses to Summer born Voice and Champion

  1. Pingback: Should teachers boycott baseline tests for four-year-olds? | summerbornchildren

  2. Pingback: Minister Says School Admissions Code WILL Be Amended – and Summer Born Scandal Stopped | summerbornchildren

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