One 4-year-old who won’t be starting school early

rosie dutton daughter picRosie Dutton, mother of a summer born child, wrote today: “In your face David Cameron and your Department of Education. We wrote you a poem…

You wanted me in school today,
I should be on my way.
But I’m fast asleep in bed, you see
I’m not going, we’re not having it your way.

I’m only 4, I want to play,
That’s all I’m doing today.
Another year to grow and shine,
A chance to be a child

For days of fun and freedom,
Out playing in the wild.

When I’m five I think I’ll thrive
And be ready for that day,
But as you see me with my teddy,
Please remember…

At just turned 4,
I’m not quite ready…

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6 Responses to One 4-year-old who won’t be starting school early

  1. Karen says:

    How did Rosie dutton get authority to agree to late start


  2. meena says:

    Very beautiful poem and child.


  3. samantha says:

    You can defer them a year until term after they are 5


  4. Pingback: No matter what you say we’re not going till CSA | summerbornchildren

  5. Pingback: ‘No matter what you say we’re not going till CSA’ | summerbornchildren

  6. Pingback: Why primary school wasn't ready for my four year old - Rosie Dutton

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