DfE Official Confirms Minister’s Commitment to Changing the Code

IMG_6842In email correspondence with the Summer Born Campaign group member Gemma Adams, an official from the DfE’s School Organisation and Admissions Division has said:

The Government recognises that this has been problematic in a number of cases… 
…children are still being admitted to Year 1 against their parents’ wishes. The minister has, therefore, decided that it is necessary to amend the School Admissions Code further to ensure that summer born children can be admitted to reception at the age of five if it is in line with their parents’ wishes, and to ensure that those children are able to remain with that cohort as they progress through school.

The Department has begun the work necessary to implement that change and will be conducting a full public consultation in due course.


25 Responses to DfE Official Confirms Minister’s Commitment to Changing the Code

  1. Great news! As parents we are best placed to decide when our #summerborn children start school!


  2. Kelly says:

    This is purely down to the work and commitment of the ladies who run this campaign. One year too late for my little boy, let’s hope many families benefit in the future. Well done to all involved. X


  3. AlexE says:

    This is fantastic news! Parents of summer born children know what is best for their children, not bureaucrats making decisions against parental wishes and forcing the children to skip a year of education against best interests.


  4. happygrecian says:

    Step in the right direction, but for children who have to apply for places next term for Sept 2016 the words ‘in due course” don’t offer too much hope as LAs will continue to apply existing outdated and discredited policies…


  5. RDutton says:

    This is really great to hear. This statement will come as a huge relief to many many families with summer born children who are still facing huge battles with their local authorities or schools. It is such a stressful situation to be in. Fingers crossed this is pushed through quickly for the sake of many children who are currently being forced to start school in year one or in reception prior to compulsory school age against parents wishes and children’s best interests.


  6. Gemma Adams says:

    Seems common sense is taking over hopefully. LEAs need to be forced to do this legally as some of them simply will not work in children’s best interests (regardless of what they say), preferring instead to focus on administrative ease. A legal change is the only way to end the postcode lottery and ensure all children have a equal chance at academic sucess


  7. Aziz qamar says:

    Fantastic news if true.


  8. This is trememdous news and gives hope to many parents. I am praying this goes through in time for the 2016 intake.


  9. This is fantastic news and will give hope to many parents. I am praying this goes through in time for the 2016 intake


  10. J Fenton says:

    Fantastic news – this will help children across the country lead a better happier life. Lets hope it is done quickly instead of the usual delay.


  11. Vikki Hughes says:

    Amazing news for parents of #summerborn children! This should make things fairer and less stressful for all.


  12. ellena outram says:

    This email has been such fantastic news. Fingers crossed the Government does implement a full and final change giving parental choice and allowing ALL children the right to a full education from legal starting age. This news will also secure our 5 yo CSAge daughters right to a full education something that prays on my mind constantly. Fingers crossed for immediate implementation so that children due to start in Sept 16 benefit.


  13. Helen C says:

    Fantastic news and about time! I hope the DfE act quickly to end the Summer born discrimination as quickly as possible and in time for those families who are struggling to get their admissions authorities to agree to to Reception entry at CSAge and those who are being forced to send their children straight into Year 1 against their wishes.


  14. Zeni says:

    Great news! The guidance need to be clearer and to offer true choice. There shouldn’t be major discrepancies from one LEA to another. There is a huge discrimination for many summerborns (on top of everything else).
    As parents we are best placed to decide when our summerborn children start school! And we greet any positive action from the Minister and the DfE


  15. Rachael B says:

    Excellent news, and as has already been said, this would be a huge relief for those of us anticipating a protracted and stressful battle over the coming months. Sooner the better.


  16. Hannah Bower says:

    This is great news and what a relief for parents who are worried about their children’s education. I look forward to hearing more updates and to know that when my youngest starts school she won’t be forced to miss a year of education.


  17. Clai Cornelius says:

    Such good news! A huge relief for parents and so beneficial to all summer born children. Sooner the better!


  18. Rachel B says:

    Fantastic news to be able to have the choice and for parents to decide what is best for their child.


  19. Claire says:

    Fantastic! Let’s hope this goes through in time for the 2016 intake, and that the spirit of it is applied before then to any cases still under review. The child’s best interests need to be uppermost in all these decisions, the law needs to finally make this crystal clear to all involved.


  20. Jenny says:

    This is amazing and very welcome news. I was not looking forward to the battle of securing my son a reception start at CSAge in 2017 and as long as this amendment goes through quickly I won’t have to fight. Thank you to everyone who have given their time to campaign for this.


  21. Couldn’t be more grateful for all the work you put in to achieve this. This makes such a difference to my family. We wanted to live in Kent where they are renowned for refusing YR for children starting at CSA. We felt so strongly about our son not starting school until he’s ready that we were thinking of moving further from friends and families to a more receptive area (e.g. Hampshire). Now we won’t have to rearrange our lives to ensure our son has access to a full education.


  22. Jo T says:

    Finally – please lets get this passed ASAP- so less children are affected by this issue !


  23. Pingback: Prematurity Is Not The (only) Point – Legislation Covers All Summer Born Children | summerbornchildren

  24. Dawn Lewis says:

    My daughter should have been a mid September baby but came early (27th August) even thought she is only 1 next I am already worried about her schooling. I worked in a primary school yr1 class for 7 yrs and have seen summer born children trying to cope with something they are not developmentally able to do. Some children in the same class are almost 12 months older than them. The parent should have the right to choose .


  25. Claire Krasnuik says:

    Fantastic news. I am writing my dissertation around the issues for summer born children. It will be interesting to see how this is implemented and if all Local Authorities do the same thing.


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