MP Support for Summer Born Campaign

11-Oct-25-27 cj rocking chair face paint magic show cakes pix 017Election over; let’s hope a new Parliament with the support of the MPs below (and more besides) will ensure summer born children finally have fair and equal access to a full education when they start school at CSAge and not before.

*Dave Anderson, Labour (Blaydon):  “…Happy to support you and the @sb_campaign…

*Tom Brake, Lib Dem (Carshalton & Wallington): “Happy to support the #summerborn @sb_campaign

*Fiona Bruce, Conservative (Congleton): “Thankyou for your email which I have received and am carefully considering*Ben Bradshaw, Labour (Exeter): “as someone whose birthday is August 30th, naturally!

*Alex Cunningham, Labour, (Stockton North): “I’ve been pleased to work on this in the past and plan to continue highlighting issues for summer born children

*Zac Goldsmith, Conservative (Richmond Park and North Kingston): “glad to

*Stephen HammondConservative (Wimbledon): “over the years I have helped a number of constituents with this issue. I am very sympathetic and happy to help

*Peter Kyle, Labour (Hove and Portslade): “I agree wholeheartedly with @StephenTwigg

*Norman Lamb, Lib Dem (North Norfolk): “Thanks for alerting me! Certainly support the case you make!” and “Can we meet after the election? Very happy to pursue!

*Helen Hayes, Labour (Dulwich and West Norwood): “v happy to support this, especially as I was a summer born child so understand the issue first hand

*Caroline LucasGreen Party (Brighton Pavilion): “Happy to support it. I think formal schooling in UK starts too early anyway, many other countries start at 7.

*Ian Mearns, Labour (Gateshead): “Lets have a chat after the election I hope to be re-elected and back onto the @CommonsEd Education Select Committee!

*Greg Mulholland, Lib Dem (Leeds North West): “hi, it sounds sensible to me. I was latest of all 31st August & it worked fine for me but agree flexibility would be good.

*Caroline Nokes, Conservative (Romsey and Southampton North): “Fascinating session on summer borns recently as part of @CommonsEd – clear evidence of need for flexibility

*Christopher Pincher, Conservative (Tamworth): “agree differing decisions for each child a concern so will certainly take a look

*Barry SheermanLabour & Co-op (Huddersfield): “you certainly can add my name!

*Keith Simpson, Conservative (Broadland): “If I am re-elected as the Member of Parliament for Broadland please contact me concerning this matter and I will certainly let you know my views.” (via email to parent)

*Stephen Twigg, Labour & Co-op (Liverpool, West Derby): Stephen Twigg Formally Supports Our Campaign: ‘No child should be forced to miss a vital year of learning’

*Phil Wilson, Labour (Sedgefield): “please add my name. Every child deserves the best education.


7 Responses to MP Support for Summer Born Campaign

  1. birchrm says:

    It is so important that MPs take this issue on board. Great to see so much support. Our MP is Andrew Mitchell, he is not named above but I have to say he has been very supportive and continues to support parents of summer born children, contacting the local council and DfE on their behalf. Thank you Andrew. Would be great to hear of other MPs offering support and not just fobbing parents off with a standard letter containing information that the parents of any summer born campaigner will already know inside out. I find it a little patronising. It’s not standard letters we need it’s action. If you are serious about the summer born campaign please contact your MP. With their help perhaps we can end the summer born farce. And if you are an MP and reading this, please support our cause.


  2. Gem says:

    MPs please take action on this issue – children are really being harmed by the unfair and messy guidance


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  6. Pingback: Campaign Update and MP Support | summerbornchildren

  7. Pingback: Cambridgeshire MP Supports Summer Born Children | summerbornchildren

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